Friday funny & food for thought…

by Elizabeth on November 13, 2009

I attended the PRSA International Conference in San Diego this week.  Wow, my brain practically exploded, listening to where the PR/marketing and advertising world is headed, in the opinions of those present.

Some key words and messages included:

  • Authenticity-if you aren’t authentic with your message, no one will believe it.
  • Viral-the elusive golden ring, going “viral” is good, but no one knows how to make it happen.
  • Listen-if you don’t listen to your customers they will not only take away their patronage, they may also tell others how much you suck

Of course, the significance of YouTube was examined, dissected, discussed, analyzed and proselytized to no end. But how does viral video fit into the business model? How can this medium help companies prosper? No one really knows. Seriously, think about it. Google bought YouTube. They paid $1.65 billion for the company. To quote Bob Garfield, “YouTube’s fixed assets pretty much consist of a video interface, some server farms and a cool retro logo. So why is it worth nearly six times the gross domestic product of Micronesia?” Why? Tell me! I need to buy a horse!

There really is a good funny coming, I promise.

The marketing and advertising world as we’ve known it for the past 50 years is changing. Duh! Ok, we all know that whether we work in the industry or not. But I honestly didn’t understand what a dramatic and far-reaching shift this will be. OK, I’m done for now, on to the funny.

The cool thing about all the viral talk, is that I was turned on (and most likely, I am the LAST person to see these videos) to some hilarious viral videos.

Here goes:

Evolution of Dance video

I like Jesus, but I drink a little

Laugh. Discuss.


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