Just a few more horse shows to go…

by elizabeth on September 7, 2009

Welcome horse show parents, kids, trainers, braiders, shippers, and everyone else whose life involves horse shows. We are an equitation/hunter/jumper family.  In the northeast, summer is horse show season. We live in Vermont, so our show season is really compressed. Samantha has two or three shows left. The bank account is dwindling. I’m running out of motivation to pack a cooler full of food that can feed a family of four for 12-18 hours. And I’m not sure we’ll get two more shows out of the Tailored Sportsman jodpurs but I really don’t want to buy a new pair when we’ll be moving up to breeches next show season.

When does your show season end? This weeked is the Marshall & Sterling League Finals in Saugerties, NY. If you’re a junior rider or paying for one, there’s no end in sight for you!

Once it is over, will you miss the early weekend mornings when it feels like you’re the only one in the world that’s awake? Or are you ready to reclaim your weekends? Do tell!


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